January 22, 2025
5 Dating Habits That Attract High-Quality Men

Everything am sharing with you in this article is with the utmost sincerity and deepest concern for your love life. And some points are written to inform you of how men really think and act towards women when it comes to dating. Also, keep in mind that this article is by no means meant to be exhaustive. They may be a TON of other reasons. I only decided to focus on a single group of men: high-quality men.

High-quality men are men who evaluate a woman’s relationship potential based not only on her physical beauty, but her character as well.

This is designed to make you look more attractive to high-quality men by helping you to improve the way you conduct yourself in the various phases of dating.

6. Being too apologetic.
Its ok to apologize but there is being too apologetic. Excessive apologizing often occurs for various other reasons, including issues like low self-esteem or mental health conditions such as OCD.
You apologize even for the weather being hot as if you control the sun.

You don’t need to explain in detail why you didn’t pick up his call, you’re in a meeting and that’s it. Honestly you start looking desperate than you are being nice.

For example, in case of a missed call, you can just say, “Oh sorry, missed your call, what did you want?” This reply makes you look mysterious and gives the impression that you have a life beyond your significant other.

5. Don’t be too available.
Avoid being excessively available. Prior to the development of a serious relationship, refrain from making yourself too accessible to a man, as men tend to lose interest in what is readily attainable.

Speaking from a male perspective, it’s fair to say that one of the frequent reasons men become less interested in women is when those women don’t offer enough of a challenge.

Example of being too available to a man is saying yes, every time he needs to see you. Sending multiple daily texts can come across as both excessively available and somewhat desperate.

If you’re actively engaged in your own life, as you should be, you likely won’t have the time to send 50 texts a day to him.
Posing as a challenge not only enhances your likelihood of sustaining his interest but also distinguishes between the less motivated men and the ambitious ones.

4: Don’t be the one initiating Conversations every time.
It’s ok to check on him but don’t be the only person doing all the efforts to stay in touch. It’s much better if each of you is putting in some efforts, this can help build up the vibe. I believe it’s immature to withhold your desires or thoughts simply because the other person may not initiate as often. However, if you notice this is becoming the order of the day, you should definitely reconsider how much effort you want to put into the relationship.

3. Consider Video calls, Phone calls over WhatsApp texting

Its ok to communicate with a guy through text messaging, but issue with texting is a guy can text casually and effort while texting with others online.
A man will possibly do everything to avoid having conversations via phone calls with a woman he doesn’t care about. Make him do it the old-fashioned way, make him call you not just texting.

2.  Be a reliable woman.
Men of high quality are less inclined to pursue a woman who consistently fails to honor her commitments or promises. Trust is one of the vitae qualities of a strong healthy relationship.

High-quality men seek to nurture strong, healthy relationships with women they can rely on, those who uphold the commitments they have made.

If you promised to meet him at 2pm, let it be 2pm. Honesty and personal integrity are among the qualities that high-quality men find highly appealing in a woman. Consequently, it’s remarkably unattractive when a woman seldom fulfills her promises, as it indicates a deficiency in integrity.

1. Your Past relationships
Avoid speaking negatively about your previous romantic partners, especially when you are in the early stages of getting to know a new guy. Be cautious as to what you say regarding your past partners.

If a guy is still in the early stages of getting to know you, he might not have a significant emotional support in you to automatically take your side when you recount all the ways you’ve been wronged by past partners. Since he doesn’t know you deeply yet, he may form quick judgments about you based on the information you provide. If you’re calling your Exes “Devils” and Idiots, you might lose a chance dating a high quality man.

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